
eco-conservation of the yellow river source

author: time: 2021-08-09 font:

china energy has carried out ecological conservation of the yellow river source in an innovative manner. it has attached equal importance to poverty alleviation and ecological restoration to achieve win-win results. with a total investment of 53.5 million yuan, it has worked with the local authority of qumarleb county, qinghai province, to protect the yellow river source by turning some grazing land back into natural grassland. a total of 5,290 heads of cattle and sheep were relocated and more than 21,000 hectares of grazing land was restored. significant progress has been achieved in ecological restoration at the yellow river source. leaders of the provincial government of qinghai and the state council leading group office of poverty alleviation and development commended the achievements of china energy in poverty alleviation through ecological conservation by “turning clear waters and green mountains into invaluable assets.”
